Professor of Women’s Studies, Director of the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity, and an adjunct Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Medicine
Dr. Ruth Enid Zambrana
Dr. Ruth Enid Zambrana is a Professor of Women’s Studies, Director of the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity, and an adjunct Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Medicine. Her scholarship applies a critical intersectional lens to structural inequality and racial disparities, Hispanic ethnicity, and gender disparities in population health and higher education trajectories. Her awards include the 2013 American Public Health Association Latino Caucus, Founding Member Award for Vision and Leadership, University of Maryland’s Outstanding Woman of Color Award for lifetime achievement in 2013, and the 2011 Julian Samora Distinguished Career Award by the American Sociological Association, Sociology of Latinos/as Section. Her latest book is Toxic Ivory Tower: The Consequences of Work Stress on the Health of Underrepresented Minority Faculty (Rutgers University Press, 2018). Support for her research was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.